Owners Guide to Piano Maintenance
Providing information about routine maintenance, tuning, and repair of pianos and humidity control specific to the Burlington Vt. Area Detailed info about Spinet, Studio, upright, and Grand pianos
The links below provide some basic information that will help you learn about the proper care of your instrument. This will make it easier to discuss your piano with your Tuner/Technician so that you can maintain and/or restore the performance of your piano. I can not stress enough the importance of controlling the humidity level of your pianos environment. You can learn more about all of our services and find a link to info about Damp-Chaser climate control systems and our Certified Damp-Chaser installer here SERVICES
In the U.S. between the 1930s and 1980s we made lots of Spinets. Spinets are the smallest of the upright piano styles. They were very popular as they fit in with the changing living spaces & lifestyles of the era. Perfect for Apartments or even bed rooms. Vt Piano Service would be glad to tune and service your spinet. Give us a call.
The largest of upright pianos. In the late 19th and early 20th century tens of thousands of high quality uprights were made. They even made quite a few in Burlington. Sadly most have exceeded there useful lifespan and are in very rough shape. A few however are suitable candidates for restoration/repair and make wonderful pianos. We love doing these jobs.