contact us


64 Paquette Rd
St. Albans Vt. 05478
United States


Piano tuning, repair, sales and, restoration/rebuilding service. Tuning  pianos throughout the Burlington Vt area as well as Franklin Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties of Vermont



 schedule a tuning online here


call 802-343-1333    

Tuning & repair in the greater burlington vermont area



     Service include:

      TuningRepair | RebuildingPre-purchase inspection

    RebuildingVoicing AssessmentCleaningRegulation 


Check out our Owners guide to routine maintenance in the link below

We specialize in high level on-site piano services, including pianos of all types including grand, full-size uprights, studio uprights, consoles, and spinets. We service pianos of every make and model, including Baldwin, Bechstein, Bluthner, Bosendorfer, Boston, Estonia, Hailun, Kawai, Kimball, Mason & Hamlin, Pearl River, Petrof, Samick, Schafer & Sons, Steinway & Sons, Wurlitzer, Yamaha, and many others. We serve hundreds of our very satisfied clients in private homes, churches, universities and schools throughout Franklin and Chittenden county Vermont.